Tag Archives: Sunday Soundtracks

Sunday Soundtracks

TIE Fighter.

Yes, I already did TIE Fighter. But I’m resurrecting this series for one week only because I just found these excellent redone versions of the TIE Fighter soundtrack. TIE Fighter’s iMUSE soundtrack was fantastic, but the audio technology of the time did mean it sounded rather more beepy and boopy than it perhaps should have. Just listen to this Pilot Registration music; it really does the original justice.

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Sunday Soundtracks

Has AirLand Battle been released yet? I have no idea; as of writing this I’m still back at the start of May playing the multiplayer beta. Hopefully if I reviewed it I did end up mentioning the excellent work that’s been done on the game’s sound, including its music. Listening to it while watching a pair of A-10s desperately strafing a tank column that’s threatening to break through your lines is one of the better experiences I’ve had in recent years.

What can I say, I’m sucker for anything that has heavy amounts of percussion in it.

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Sunday Soundtracks.

So they got Jeremy Soule in to do the music for the original Company of Heroes, and it’s his usual plinky plonky generic crap. Then they get a different guy in (one of the many, many Ian Livingstones working in the games industry) to do the music for Opposing Fronts, and the result is that the British end up with the best music in the entire game.


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Sunday Soundtracks.

There’s a reason I backed the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter effort pretty much instantaneously, and that reason is the Shadowrun game released on the SNES way back when. As a western adventure-cum-RPG it’s a bloody weird thing to find on a console at that point, but it’s very good nonetheless.

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Sunday Soundtracks.

The perfect music to browse and buy 13 different variants of AK-47 by.

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Sunday Soundtracks.

While I’m not going to hate on any game that lets me swarm my enemies with dozens of Sardaukar, I have to say that by far the best thing about Emperor: Battle for Dune was its soundtrack.

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Sunday Soundtracks.

Have I mentioned how awesome the Freespace 2 intro is yet? The pan up through the atmosphere and through the hole punched in the destroyer’s side — and then the subsequent Colossus reveal — is a great visual trick which is helped immensely by having this little bit of music play over the top of it.

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