Tag Archives: flashback

In Praise Of: Flashback.


The trailer for the Flashback remake was released yesterday. It is one of the most awful game trailers I’ve ever seen, not only because it looks so dreadfully boring with its plasticky 2.5D visuals, snap cuts of explosions and its inexplicable side-scrolling hoverbike section, but also because it couldn’t be less true to the spirit of the original game if it tried.  Flashback is an admittedly flawed game but it’s one that I revere nevertheless, and so I went back and dug out this half-written piece from a couple of months ago to try to explain why.

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Sunday Soundtracks

Short but sweet: Flashback, which I really need to talk about at some point. Also as a bonus, the vast, vast numbers of ways you can die in Another World (the vent rolling bits are my favourite).

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