Tag Archives: tales playthrough

Jagged Alliance Diary: The Alma Debacle.

The liberation of Alma continues. Clearing each sector of baddies is almost routine; the stiffest resistance is offered by the staff of this chemical weapons testing plant, who prove so recalcitrant I have Jim give them a taste of their own medicine by blanketing the courtyard in mustard gas. The enemy makes a couple of half-hearted attempts to take advantage of my combat squad being tied up by attacking Drassen and Chitzena, but the huge militia armies I’ve built up have no problem squashing them flat.

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Jagged Alliance Diary: Housekeeping.

A brief update this week, summarising some filler content between the desperate battle for Chitzena and… well, you’ll see.

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Jagged Alliance Diary: The Slippery, Piled Dead.

I just realised I forgot to do something.

I forgot to turn off the Drassen counterattack.

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Jagged Alliance Diary: I Prefer The Term “Condotierri”.

Day 2.

When we left our little band of guns-for-hire they were taking a well earned nap after seizing Drassen airport from the forces of the evil Queen M-Dave. After this I tried to get Cate to train David in Leadership so that he could make himself useful by training up militia detachments, but they didn’t get very far before being rudely interrupted.

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Jagged Alliance Diary: Mercenaries Are The Good Guys, Right?

And I bet you thought I was kidding about the third-world country.

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