Category Archives: random

On Holiday.

I’ve gotten fairly heavily involved in my local university’s space school this year, and my preparation for the activities I’m going to be running there is taking up all the mental RAM I usually use to write science posts. Rather than keep things limping along on a couple of gaming posts per week I’m just going to take a short break. If you are one of my seven regular readers, thanks for sticking with me so far! I’ll be doing some thinking during the downtime about where I want to take this blog in the long-term, but I should hopefully be back next Monday.

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Nuts And Bolts.

Gerry asks

Hey, I noticed a screenshot of SpaceChem on the banner up on top. When are you going to post a review?

Anyway, my question, if you have the time, is concerning your layout actually. I’ve been playing around with Chunk and I just cant get the top links (Science/Gaming on your site) to link to a page where all my posts on that specific category get listed.

I know that your links lead to the category itself ( Can you guide me on how it is that you edited the links ?  Thanks in advance!

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There Was Once A Post Here.

Now there is only this Youtube video.

(My head hurts so no post today. Normal service resumed on Monday.)

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No-One Cruelly Mistreats The Word “But” Like Gaston.

Just a quick post today, since for you it is the weekend and I’m sure you’ve got lots of interesting things to be doing, while for me it’s four o’ clock on a Wednesday morning and I should really be getting to bed. I’d like to solicit some suggestions for improving my writing.

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Can anyone lend me $4.1 million.

Because I want to buy Richard Garriott’s house.

The manor’s medieval design reflects Garriott’s interest in the era. The house is adorned with various medieval items such as crossbows, swords, and armour. It features traps and a network of secret passages and rooms. A secret room in the basement contains some of Garriott’s most treasured artifacts, including dinosaur fossils, a coffin with a human skeleton inside it, and an authentic 16th century vampire hunting kit. The house also features other collections such as hairs from the Glacier snowman, a brick from the Great Wall of China, a Russian spacesuit, and three stained glass windows retrieved from an abandoned church.

The house also has an observatory in the main complex. Although part of the house, it is structurally independent from the rest of the house in order to damp out vibrations, as they ruin long-exposure space photos.

There is a working cannon at the front door and an indoor grotto with hot-and-cold-running rain showers