Gods and Kings is the expansion pack to the much-maligned Civilization V, and it does something I thought impossible: it makes it into a good game.
Whether it’s a great game is still a matter of debate, but I’m still forced to eat my words on this one. I thought Civilization V’s structural flaws were too fundamental to be overcome with patches or expansions, but I severely underestimated just how far Firaxis were willing to go in changing their game. Even pre-expansion there were several aspects of the game that were almost unrecognisable compared to their release states – social policies and diplomacy, for a start – and while Gods and Kings isn’t exactly revolutionary in what it introduces to the mix it does offer several ingenious workarounds to the most common bugbears I had with Civ V.
Oddly enough it’s the headline improvement of the game – the return of religion – that probably has the least impact on how the game plays out. While the way religion is handled in Gods and Kings is well-meaning and certainly not detrimental to the gameplay, it has a definite whiff of cack-handedness to it. Religion manifests itself in the game in two ways: a set of player-selected passive bonuses which are given to you depending on how many people in a city follow your religion, and a new resource which sits along gold, science and culture: faith. The wonders and buildings in the game have been rejigged slightly to allow for this, with the Temple now giving faith instead of culture and the brand new Amphitheatre stepping in to fill the culture gap, and so on. The passive bonuses are fine; with one or two notable exceptions they’re not exactly game-changing in any way, either offering a moderate happiness/gold bonus per city following the religion or else easing the spread of the religion itself. The faith points, though, I have a philosophical objection to. It’s not that they ruin the game in any way – in fact I think the game is better for their inclusion – but rather that they don’t do anything.
Okay, that’s not exactly true. Faith points do a lot of things, depending on your religion choices, but my problem is that the things it does are already handled by other resources. If you take Holy Warriors, for example, you can rush build military units using faith instead of gold. Depending on your social policies you can use your amassed faith points to purchase great people instead of waiting for one of your cities to generate enough great people points. Faith can also be used to build a select few buildings that give bonus culture and happiness. This is all very well and good, but while it certainly gives the player more options the fact that religion exists to supplement the other resources rather than as its own distinct thing does serve as something of an indictment of the original Civ V gameplay mechanics. Religion functions as a band-aid slapped on top of a suppurating wound; it may look prettier and smell better, but there’s no getting round the fact that it is an entirely artificial solution to the problem.
Still, better an artificial solution than no solution at all. Religion may not be elegant, but I can’t deny that the game flows far better for its inclusion. The same can be said of the espionage system, which multitasks as a way to claw back a tech deficit, a source of foreign intelligence which makes the AI seem far less psychotic and the premiere method of screwing with City States. The City States themselves are far more interactive this time around, with additional Mercantile and Religious types which give happiness and faith respectively if befriended, and who will give a much wider variety of quests beyond “We want you to kill this other city state.” Where in vanilla Civ V they were a very vestigial addition that hadn’t even been close to fully fleshed out, in Gods and Kings they feel far more integral to the game experience.
The most game-changing additions, however, are the ones which didn’t grab all the headlines but which have an impact far beyond what you’d expect for such small improvements. For starters, navies work now. No, really. The addition of a line of melee ships to the game which can take cities in combat gives you a reason to build a navy beyond mere shore bombardment, and the fact that the AI actually builds navies of its own now makes overseas civilizations a far more potent threat. For the first time I found myself building more than aircraft carriers; destroyers, battleships and submarines all have their niche roles to play, and having a sizeable navy introduced me to the joy of locating a barely-protected convoy of AI troopships with a wolf pack of submarines. There’s also a line of new ship promotions like Piracy, which allows you to steal gold from a city when you attack it. In fact military empires are much more fun in general now, with choices in the Autocracy social policy tree yielding gold for each enemy unit you kill. It makes keeping that massive army around a little more palatable.
The other major addition – or insertion – comes in the form of an additional tier of post-industrial Great War units. Great War Infantry, Landships (tanks), Great War Bombers and Great War Fighters sit alongside a brand new unit type: the Gatling Gun/Machine Gun. Gatling Guns have the same strength as a Rifleman but they can make a ranged attack up to one square away, allowing them to mow said riflemen down with impunity if stationed in a city or in good defensive terrain. The Gatling Gun combines with the Great War infantry to make riflemen far less overpowered; players beelining to Rifling and then going on a rampage has been a problem ever since Civ IV, and these improvements serve to both tone down the tactic as well as giving industrial-era combat some variety beyond spamming riflemen and cannon. I can’t remember if Ironclads were part of the game before because I have honestly never seen one prior to Gods and Kings, but I’m assuming they’re new too and exist to bridge the massive gulf between Frigates and Destroyers.
(Oh yes, siege units retain their massive attack strength against cities but are much worse at attacking units now, making the AI’s late-game artillery spam far less of an issue.)
The new units make combat in the latter stages of the game far more engrossing than the mindless encounters of vanilla Civ V. As for the combat AI, it can at least take cities and land invasion forces now, although it’s still utterly terrible at modern warfare and puts far too high a priority on committing its entire army to kill a single unit, leaving itself vulnerable to counterattack. One-unit-per-tile works now, to the point where I’d certainly have trouble going back to Civ IV’s doomstacks.
Gods and Kings isn’t a perfect expansion, however, and there’s one thing – one achingly conspicuous issue – that it hasn’t even tried to fix. This is the UI. Civ V’s UI is the pushiest UI in the history of UIs. “No”, it says, “you don’t want to move that unit; you want to move this one on the other side of the map. Here, let me shift the camera all the way over there so that you can see where it is. Stop it. Stop trying to move the units you want to move. Move this unit. No, I’m sorry, I can’t let you end the turn until you’ve moved every single unit that needs moving, but only in the order that I decide. Ha, I bet you thought clicking the End Turn button would end the turn! In fact I’ve got some more units for you to move. I know how much you like doing it so I kept some back as a surprise.”
And so on. I spent more of my time fighting against the UI than I did other civs, and that goes double for unit controls. One unit per tile may give more tactical options but it also makes moving large armies sheer hell, as you have to tell every single unit to move to an individual destination hex and then babysit them as they make their way over there. I’ve lost units through sheer laziness because fine-tuning the movement to avoid likely enemy ambushes was just too fiddly, and on top of that the air unit movement system is still absolute garbage. Despite bombers and fighters being the only units in the game which actually stack you still can’t give them orders as a group, instead having to attack and rebase with every aircraft you own one at a time. There also really needs to be some happy middle ground between turning combat animations off entirely and watching a bomber very slowly coast its way over to a target, dropping a bomb, circling, dropping another bomb, circling, and then coasting back to its base. God help you if you have a large air force and you actually want to do something with it, because the game doesn’t make it easy.
This is usually the part of the review where I’d say “Still, these are small niggles…” but the thing is, they’re really not. They’re actually a pretty big deal. Civ V is the first Civilization game that attempts to inhibit warmongering players by making conquest a logistical pain in the ass, and not in a good way. I’m actually kind of staggered that unit movement and the UI are elements of the game that have received no attention whatsoever in the expansion, and it definitely takes the wind out of the sails of the good work that’s been done with the new units and the refined military tech progression and the social policies that mean having a large empire full of conquered cities isn’t a paradoxical millstone around the player’s neck. It’s a crying shame, and something that I can only assume isn’t an easy fix otherwise Firaxis would have done something about it by now. They certainly haven’t been shy about changing everything else in the game.
Civilization V is now – mostly – a whole new game. An extensive patching and balancing regime made it playable, if not exactly good, and this expansion takes it the rest of the way. Again, Gods and Kings isn’t a revolutionary expansion pack by any means, but that’s not what was needed from it. A revolutionary expansion pack would have just added more stuff that was broken. Gods and Kings instead elects to fill out the areas of the game that were looking rather anaemic despite the comprehensive patching, as well as oiling and polishing the parts that did work to a more or less acceptable standard, and Civ V is afar better game for it. It’s not perfect, and I’m not saying it’s better than Civ IV, but it can at least sit alongside it now without looking like the Quasimodo of the Civilization family. After eighteen months of patching and one expansion pack, Civilization V finally feels like Civilization to me. At the end of the day, that’s all I ever really wanted.
I really liked IV but only played a little bit of V, being put off from going further than a demo by some bad reviews. But I really want it to be good. I want to feel the draw of civ again.
I think there’s a demo of Gods and Kings now, but if it’s time limited it’s not going to show you any of the good stuff. On the plus side it’s quids in you’ll be able to buy both Civ V and G&K together for cheap come Christmas. I definitely do think it’s worth trying, although it’s not something you have to play NOW NOW NOW.
The biggest problem is having to pay 23 dollars to fix a game that one paid full price for in the first place. It feels like typical AAA extortion over a captive market. Like the stringing along cadence of blackmail where they hold onto your photos and tell you that this will be the last time you have to pay them.
Yeah I get why people would be annoyed over that, and what I would say is that if you really hated Civ V then *don’t* buy the expansion right now. I think it’s good, and it may change your opinion of your game, but it’s certainly not worth a large investment to find out.
I could not agree more about the excrutiating need to babysit every unit every turn. As far as I’m concerned it makes going for any sort of domination victory or any large scale war at all unthinkable. It’s far too tedious and strips all the fun from the experience.
I’ve often wondered, as perhaps an imperfect solution, why combat units should not have the option to fully automate. Alpha Centauri gave us that option. It’s not as if they would need to program anything new like combat subroutines. After all, the AI’s units are fully automated.
All I want are some basic automation options of the kind you might find in an RTS. Options to set a city to automatically send a newly-built unit to a certain spot on a map, or the ability to designate a common rally point and then send a unit there with the push of a button. I don’t really have a problem with moving units when they’re on the front line, it’s the logistics of getting them there that caused my teeth to turn yellow and all my hair to fall out.
Ironclads existed by were limited to shallow water. In G&K they are not limited (but I think their movement was reduced)
Ah yes, that makes sense with the half movement in ocean squares thing. It’s a good change since it moves ironclads from irrelevancy to a thing you actually want to build because it’ll murder everything until destroyers.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Civ V from day one. While this review has some valid points- mostly about the speed of the bombing animations- the last line “…finally feels like Civilization…” just confirms this is another angry Civ 4 fanboy rant.
Civilization V is DIFFERENT. Deal with it.
I like Civ 5, but must agree about the UI, it is aggravating. Can’t wait to get this expansion.
[...] is the latest – and probably last – expansion for Civilization V, following up the excellent Gods and Kings which was released around about this time last year. Gods and Kings introduced new mechanics that [...]
Super fan of CIVI here, so kind of biased, but i still though that the base game was good (not as good as III or IV but still). In fact i’m still getting my head around possible strategies and i can see most of possible outcomes of choosing properly in the few early steps make the rest of the development less crucial.
Not being able to stack troops and other new gameplays introduced in V are not my favourites but they do make us think it in a new perspective (more fresh and innovative) using more strategy in attack/def aswell. –> maybe they could have compromised and introduced a limit in the number and/or tipes of units in each slot.
Well, getting to the main point of discussion, after burning the base game ill check this exp you sold us so nicely and hopefully agree with you