Tag Archives: space hulk

Thoughts: Space Hulk Tactics


Me, in 2013: “Man, Games Workshop have all of these awesome licenses lying around for boardgames that they no longer make. They should give some of them to game developers so that they can make digital adaptions. Like Space Hulk. A Space Hulk video game would be very good.”

Me, in 2018: “Please stop making Space Hulk video games.”

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Thoughts: Space Hulk.


What is it with Games Workshop and shoddy/unimaginative conversions of their board games?

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Sunday Soundtracks.

Hey, Space Hulk. Space Hulk! Just a shame about the terrible voice samples scatterered throughout the game, eh? Also really not sure about the break into funkytown about halfway through, but the start is fantastically gloomy and what Space Hulk is all about.

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