Tag Archives: nuclear reactor

Fast Breeder Reactors.

This article on fast breeder reactors is expertly timed to coincide with everyone forgetting what I said about regular nuclear reactors a couple of months back.

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How Not To Build A Nuclear Reactor.

Today, children, we’re going to learn all about nuclear power plant safety physics. Or rather, about how nuclear power plants will kill you if you ignore safety physics. Are you sitting comfortably? Well too bad, I’m starting anyway.

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Nuclear reactors, then. A good idea with pretty much the worst PR in the history of the planet, since when people hear the word “nuclear” they think of this or this or this or this, with little idea of what nuclear power generation is actually about. In light of the recent screw-up at Fukushima the politics surrounding nuclear power are fairly muddied and the future for it is uncertain, which is a bit of a shame because nuclear reactors are – if done correctly – actually a fairly neat way of fulfilling your country’s energy requirements.

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