Well, that didn’t go according to plan. I thought this would be a good time to pick the blog back up again as we’re now deep into the autumn games rush, but unfortunately the universe has picked precisely this moment to drop a couple of significant changes in my personal circumstances on top of my head. Full resumption of posting will unfortunately have to wait while I sort out what I’m doing with my life, but in the meantime I do have a few smaller posts to throw in here as I was still writing during the 3-month drought, just not finishing stuff. So there should be something going on here if you check back every couple of weeks. By December I should be able to either resume a normal service, or I’ll have gone too far the other way and have nothing but free time to write things – either way I don’t intend to let this place lie fallow for long. Stay tuned.
Sorry to hear things are rough for you right now. I hope you get things sorted out, and remember that you can always lash out at the worst game you can find to get out some stress.
Thanks! Things are pretty much sorted now, thankfully.
Good luck.
Thanks dude.