Tag Archives: triumph studios

Thoughts: Age of Wonders III.


That I had to shift this review to Thursday speaks well of Age of Wonders; I spent so long playing the damn thing over the weekend that I didn’t have any time to write about it.

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Thoughts: Overlord 2.


I’m sorry. I tried to give Overlord 2 a chance, I really did. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone into it straight after abandoning the first game in a fit of tedium. Maybe I should have left it a while so that the wounds could heal. Sadly I wanted to get both games done so that I could delete them from the Steam account and never look back, so I started Overlord 2 with the dull mediocrity of the first game still seared into my cerebral cortex. Overlord 2 is no different, alas.

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Thoughts: Overlord.


Overlord, then. It’s packaged and sold as “Pikimin crossed with Dungeon Keeper”, or perhaps just “Pikimin for assholes”; the basic premise of the game is that you wander around with an army of little imp-like minions expanding your evil empire. Now, it’s worth noting that any game that has me playing an evil dick overlord is going to get a high score regardless of quality, because that is how I roll.

Overlord is not going to get a high score.

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