Tag Archives: looking forward

Looking Forward 2014.


And we’re back with the quasi-traditional list of upcoming releases in 2014. No doubt I’ve forgotten something obvious, so feel free to add your own contributions in the comments.

As one of my New Year’s resolutions I think I’m going to give up looking forward to videogames. As last years list proved, it’s a mug’s game: my most anticipated games turned out to be mediocre at best, while the best games of the year were as yet unannounced at the time that I wrote it. So this year I’m just going to talk about what looks reasonably interesting and try not to get my expectations up that these games will actually pan out.

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Looking Forward.

At the start of each new year I like to make lists of the games I’m really looking forward to, mostly so that I can then look back on it at the end of the year and laugh a hollow laugh as I remember how tragically naïve it was to hope that these games would consist of anything other than broken promises and shattered dreams. 2013 has given me pause; despite the very large number of games being released this year there’s very, very few of them that actually get me excited, which made me wonder if it was worth bothering this year. But hey, what’s the point in a tradition if you don’t eventually end up ritually grinding through it anyway no matter how fruitless it is?

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